all the flock birds in split seconds

An animation of all the wonderful birds made at our Flock Project workshops, in quick succession.


the arthouse

An overhead view of the exhibited birds in murmuration formation.



On 16th June, for the launch of Refugee Week, Julie Nelson and the Grounding Project held 3 packed workshops in the Ceramics Collection of the V & A for people to make clay birds and engage with Flock Project. The birds will all be included in an exhibition to be held at Lewisham Art House in September 2019. With Counterpoint Arts, UCL and the South London and Maudesley NHS Trust and the Maudesley Charity. 


An insight into our V & A workshop in June

Julie Nelson and the Grounding Project held 3 packed workshops on 16th June, for the launch of Refugee Week, in the Ceramics Collection of the V & A for people to make clay birds and engage with Flock Project. Participants learned about Starling murmurations, looked at the shapes of their favourite birds and set about recreating in clay with amazing results that will take part in an exhibition in September.


how to make a bird by Julie Nelson

Julie shows you how to take a block of clay and form it into a bird of your choice using your hands and basic tools. No previous experience necessary.